Final project
Final project
Final project
cyber- landscape
"the internet is a good place to live"...
patterns patterns
trans humanism
healing trauma
cave paintings - taking cave art / historical art and making them 3D - atavistic (relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral)
digital presence : avatars, e-girl, memes
‘The digital realm makes the real realm more rare and precious”
Escapism and perfection that is not feasible in the real world as well as actions and in worlds that are not available in this realm.
Growing, dying, respawn and eventually playable
Mental health hygiene
Mental relief
The need to create, express yourself virtually like in games such as IMVU or second life.
Digital art
can be eternal
X ray or Brain scan on tree
The physical brain - brain in a jar
The technological body - futurism
Nature - utopia & escapism ?
Short story about a dead person watching over their relative / wife/husband
emotions - the mind + body - personal experiences
Beauty CAN be scientific!
Swamps - non-prescriptive freedom - unseen , safe in company of these organisms unlike in society -TO BE HIDDEN - PLACES YOU CAN HIDE IN THIS WORLD - IS THERE ANYWHERE LEFT IN CAPITALISTIC CULTURE , NO SPACE LEFT ON EARTH?
To give a name is not possessive, its putting it into the discourse - romantic and philisophical pursuit , giving space for being to be a being - give it a name as act of respect ; taxonomy
Lithuania documentary? - look @ Jonas Mekas
high suicide rates and alcohol consumption rate in Lithuania
"Key words, phrases and ideas for Practice 10"
notes app poetry and streams of consciousness
spirit of the forest exhibition
utopia - 3D,,, VR,,,
personal or other?
mythology , mysticism,
traditions in culture and family
data structures in nature - link with technology
anthropocene and modernism
video and internet gaming
conversation with death - like The Seventh Seal